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The robots tales about Real Man

according to the story of Stanislav Lem

This performance is according to the story of Stanislav Lem. The story is about a fantastic pseudo-medieval Universe when robots take place of people. The people appears in stories unusual and dangerous, despite to the fine and perfect race of robots that are living on the fantastic planets in intergalactic space. Story is played out by two actors and fantastic robots from a distant galaxy.

Robots, sets and costumes are created Steampunk

technical description

The performance can be played for 50-70 people or if over 70 places with video  support. •. 3 live cameras are placed on the stage, so the audience can see all the particles of unique robots. Technical rider (video projector, screen, sound system and light device etc) can be sent upon your request. •Russian language, 2 actors involved and 3 people of support group (music, light, special effects). The performance can be played in English, or in Russian with simultaneous translation or subtitles. 



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